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chinese dancer
and novels are my favorite things.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Haha i'm now refreshed thanks to sleeping on my soft(compared to the ground in sch) and comfortable bed(yes i dun have to fear rolling onto the dirty ground and also kissing joan).

Anw road run. yea we had road run ytd but i didnt run cos i did road marshaling. It was my first time road marshaling (cos in commonwealth only uniform grp ppl are road marshals) and it was.. quite fun!! We were dropped off at our stations and i was like going campin cos i had show bag and sleeping bag and another carry bag, and mr tong was lik "are you goin to camp at your station?", and i was lik diao, ahah not farnie. We sat there since 7 30 plus and waited for the first grp to start running. while waiting me and marissa talked crap (yea lik wad are we going to do blah blah..) and i killed two farnie lookin white insects which both me and marissa had no idea wad they were. Having killed two of the same kind, i had a feeling more would come and attack me to revenge their fellow members. Haha. But i stamped everywhere and walked arnd to prevent anymore bugs to crawl towards me (i'm clean ok.) and den being an AB blood-er the mosquitoes all came and attack me. Marissa was laughing away. anw so the run began and it was fun seeing ppl running past. yea.. haha, shant elaborate on tat la. Too much to say. But road marshaling is fun fun tres fun!!! =D

Den dance camp was enjoyable too, the games and stuff. We got to know the j1s who arent in syf better i guess. Which is good cos we'll be dancing tgt for aristal!! So we mus pei yang mo qi. hahah. The treasure hunt was lik mad la!! had clues to go to the next station and our grp went to the wrong station twice!! yea and i guess we were the last grp. haha. but it was great fun!!! Den the curry sauce game was kinda gross, i got curry sauce lik everywhere and even on my inner thighs which is disgusting cos it feels dirty and slimy. Den there was the relay race, but it was quite freaky cos one of our grp members fell down and injured herself. There was blood flowing down her legs and i felt so sad for her cos it was her first dance camp!! Hope her next will be much better. Den we played many other games after tat and there was forfeit. BASIL IS SO GROSS!! and farnie la. OMG. He can go thailand and pick up guys la! He's lik so slutty la! LOL. all the slapping of butt and shakind of body and pointing at ppl and strutting arng. GOSH. and for one forfeit he slapped yee shiang's butt damn hard la! LOL. damn farnie. yea den had video session but everyone was v tired so alot were lik dozing and groaning. The dances were v nice!! the guy grp was lik OMG. i will never ever be as good as them. sniff. yea den at night... slept on the hard ground in a02 classroom. Shared my sleeping bag wid joan so it was lik a mattress. den i slept right under the window. so it was freakin cold!!!! only had my jacket to cover lik my legs?? I kept waking up to see joan sleeping so close to me tat we're in danger of kissing. LOL. So i rolled away and woke up to find myself sleeping on the dirty ground. Had dance prac the second day on my whole body was lik aching and dirty and abit sticky. eew. Came home and scrubbed my whole body clean. haha. But overall, dance camp was fun!!! I WAN ANOTHER ONE!! ((: