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chinese dancer
and novels are my favorite things.

Friday, March 30, 2007

shalom's slacking right beside me now and she jus said,"i'm fascinating how my husband will be lik."
and marissa says,"hi.=D"
yes and i went to the toilet jus now and...
and i met yanjia in the toilet.
she's such a stalker!!!
you hear tat yanjia??
and now some idiots are blasting the national anthem and nj sch anthem away on their com.
how entertaining.

in the com lab in sch now.
thespace bar sucks cos u have to press it down real hard to make it work.
and the whole com labis filled with diff music being played at the same time.
shalom's avril's girlfriend and some random music by the class clown kaizhong.
having double pw period now researching for info.
friday is a sucky day cos it's double period day.
double chem.
double chinese.
double pw.
and we end at 430 with pe as the last lesson.
it's raining cats and dogs now!!!
which means light pe later.
i hope.
but the rain's lik stopping den back again.
on and on and on.
i hope it rains lik hell later.
hahahah tat nj will flood!!!
den NO pe.
kelly and shalom are now beside me arguing.
like a farnie.
yes.and shalomasked me to switch hercom on for her.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

the days to syf are getting lesser and lesser. i hope our problems are getting lesser too.
jiayou ppl!!
anw ytd was combine dance prac wid other dance groups in nj. malay dance was AMAZING.
their movements have a REALLY BIG impact. it's lik your body will move along to the beat as well when you watch them. the other dance groups were not bad too. i quite lik the pair dance for western dance cos it simply melts my heart when i see timothy and coco look into each other's eyes and smile so sweetly at each other. yep. and basically tat was all for the combine dance prac.
jac's pw group did presentation on oral presentation for us today in lt5! I LOVE THEIR PW.
the message they bring across to us is lik so true!!! and the way they deliver it is lik THUMBS UP. haha.
19 days left!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

21 more days and 500 more hours to syf.
anw we had our first pe lesson today (well wid our new pe teacher and class)
guess who's our teacher for today??
the well known ten rounds arnd the track pe teacher.
was lik so worn out after pe.
he said"today, we shall do the wet weather plan.(cos it was rainin.)
run 2 rounds first for warmup den 4 rounds and 40 push-ups.
it's considered light work out for me. you will expect more to come... next time.. (grinn.)"
yar la. actually quite slack. but to someone who HATES running lik me and hasnt gone on the track for lik how many weeks it was lik HELL.
but on the bright side, i got to burn off some fats. i hope.
i mus quickly BURN ALL THE FATS in 21 days!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

23 more days and 552 more hours to syf.
hold on dancers.
we can do it.
commonwealth dancers hold on too!!! rmb to enjoy while dancing! dun be too stressed out.

Friday, March 23, 2007

class outing today!!! yar again.. haha. to cathy orchard again too. hahah. we ate subway while kevin went downstairs food court. while eatin aaron kept showin us card tricks. damn amazing la!!! omg. wonder how he does them. den we called him a gambler and conner who cons old ah peis of their life savings. LOL. shalom insists aaron mus have memorised the card and kept tryin to reveal the tricks but she didnt succeed. anw we watched mr bean's holiday. it was ok la. but quite borin at some parts and farnie at others. boring cos mr bean jus kept gettin into trouble and cause others to suffer as well. so yar lor. haha. and there was this guy in the cinema who kept laughin damn loud. kinda annoying. and his laughter sounds v horrible. argh. watch tis movie only if you're a mr bean fan.
yea den at PW today we did research on the com. shalom is damn farnie and bimbo la!! she was lik "erh wendy how do u on the com????" she cracks me up alot. last time durin chinese she wanted to use a com and went to press the on/off button on the cpu. the com was already on, so she ended up switchin it off instead. damn farnie. den we had to wait for super long for the com to recover cos the sch coms r damn laggy.
played volleyball today and my lower arms are bruising!! at first my arms looked lik they were sunburnt, but later during pw my arms were covered wid little spots of blue-black!! lik got disease!! omg.. but playin volleyball was v fun!!! except for the part i got hit by a basketball on the head(we were playing vball in the middle of the bball court wid two groups of ppl playin bball on the court). sniff. it was so unglam cos i got this shocked and stoopid look on my face(lik a retard) when the ball bounced off my head. (actually it slamed right into my forehead. so it's lik flattening my face as well)
tmr got dance!! omg. 25 more days to syf!!! i'm so nervous.. )):

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

anw we had a mini class outing today!! (s23)
yeps. first we went to golden rooster for lunch. it was damn crowded due to the half day today. haha. We were the first to arrive there so we got to kop the tables first (bwahahahah.) den loads of j1 came after and it was lik a mass j1 outin to golden rooster. anw the details abt the lunch was super farnie, but i'm too lazy to elaborate. haha. after tat we walked arnd cos we had to wait for some guys who were eatin at prince cos they arrived later and there wasnt space left. while waitin kelly and his soccer frens played wid the turn turn machine. (where u put 1 dollar coin in and turn the thingy and a toy drops out) yea. they played wid the guns one and were happily shootin and trying out their new toys. it was a really farnie sight ah. ltr the guys finished eatin and we left for town to watch movie!! we decided on haunted school. but i didnt really watch it cos i covered my eyes and ears throughout the show. (i hate horror movies) yea den we wanted to take neoprints after the movie but the guys didnt want to, so me shalom and wanching cabbed back to sch cos they were rushing for trainin. yep. and they trained while i crapped wid some other s23 ppl. den played bball and it was damn hot!!!! haha. but it was quite fun for someone lik me who dun really lik sports. and later me and yihui left first. yihui had leg cramp while climbin up the stairs so she decided to call her father to pick her up instead. i went home myself and i felt so dumb cos i took the wrong bus!! i kept thinkin tat 171 and 961 goes to my home and there wasnt any 961 so i took the 171 bus. the whole bus journey was fine, until it turned right at the ten mile junction area! i was so freaked out den i quickly got off at the nearest stop and crossed the road to take another bus to my home. whew. but at least now i'm quite sure it's bus 170 but not bus 171.

happiness ((:

and presenting my two cute girls. haha.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

i'm so bored tat i took an iq test. and my iq is..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

This guy in the middle is the hot guy from deyi dance. very cute right? his name is matthew goh!! hahhaha. ytd they had to dance topless and i almost fainted watching him dance. all those muscles!!! OMG. esp his back muscles. damn defined and hot la!! jiahui was lik hootin and drooling away beside me. i'll miss seeing him dance!!! sniff.
Anw ytd was fun!! after dance we had a mini dance outing to orchard!!! ate pasta mania, but jac only ate a salad la! jac, if u're reading tis, YOU MUS EAT MORE LA GIRL, SO SKINNY ALREADY YOU STILL EAT SO LITTLE, YOU WAN TO DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR HAR.. MUS EAT FOR ENERGY TO DANCE!!
After dinner we took neoprints!! damn farnie!! cos everyone dunno wad's the machine tokin abt(they're all in jap) so we anyhow take. haha.
shall post the pics next time.
and i saw the fairy necklace there!! haha. bought it right away. it's v sweet!! ((:
ahhh. shall go mug now. chem test next week.
I CHANGED CLASS AGAIN. S23. solaris house.
i've been in all houses cept for aqua and ligum la.
oh well, on the bright side, my whole clique's in s23 as well. yeah!
and we wun see tt kengyi at all. hohoho.
good luck to all those who're gg to be in the same class as him for the next 2 years. cheers.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here are some photos from the dance camp!! but only from the curry sauce games cos the rest r not uploaded.
(from bottom left clockwise pengyi, sining, me, jac, yanjia, yee shiang)
Me going through the curry-sauced web

avoiding the curry sauce!

Finally gone through the web!!

Jac" huh???? how to go through??? >< "

Jac's turn.

Long legged jac. =D

Us walking away from the station.

Monday, March 12, 2007

combine prac today at kent ridge sec sch.
it was quite fun!!! ((:
cos the yuan chang ppl all look so pretty now!! haha =D
and the lead guy for deyi is soooo shuai and he can dian si ppl!! lik the voltage shootin frm his eyes damn high!! haha. and su lao ask him to come over and he shook px's hand!! AHHHHHH.
after prac we went to eat and ltr to imm.
yirong bought necklace to match her dress and me and px bought some random stuff to decorate our room!! hahah. me and px saw this firendship necklace which was so nice!! its pendant is a fairy and there's a best, whereas the other pair is is also a fairy but wid the word friends. so sweet!! but the woman said there's only gold left and the silver edition we'll have to wait for it. so we are waiting... haha.
tat's abt it for today!! off to mug! 8-)
tmr prac at rv for whole day!! arg.. tired.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Haha i'm now refreshed thanks to sleeping on my soft(compared to the ground in sch) and comfortable bed(yes i dun have to fear rolling onto the dirty ground and also kissing joan).

Anw road run. yea we had road run ytd but i didnt run cos i did road marshaling. It was my first time road marshaling (cos in commonwealth only uniform grp ppl are road marshals) and it was.. quite fun!! We were dropped off at our stations and i was like going campin cos i had show bag and sleeping bag and another carry bag, and mr tong was lik "are you goin to camp at your station?", and i was lik diao, ahah not farnie. We sat there since 7 30 plus and waited for the first grp to start running. while waiting me and marissa talked crap (yea lik wad are we going to do blah blah..) and i killed two farnie lookin white insects which both me and marissa had no idea wad they were. Having killed two of the same kind, i had a feeling more would come and attack me to revenge their fellow members. Haha. But i stamped everywhere and walked arnd to prevent anymore bugs to crawl towards me (i'm clean ok.) and den being an AB blood-er the mosquitoes all came and attack me. Marissa was laughing away. anw so the run began and it was fun seeing ppl running past. yea.. haha, shant elaborate on tat la. Too much to say. But road marshaling is fun fun tres fun!!! =D

Den dance camp was enjoyable too, the games and stuff. We got to know the j1s who arent in syf better i guess. Which is good cos we'll be dancing tgt for aristal!! So we mus pei yang mo qi. hahah. The treasure hunt was lik mad la!! had clues to go to the next station and our grp went to the wrong station twice!! yea and i guess we were the last grp. haha. but it was great fun!!! Den the curry sauce game was kinda gross, i got curry sauce lik everywhere and even on my inner thighs which is disgusting cos it feels dirty and slimy. Den there was the relay race, but it was quite freaky cos one of our grp members fell down and injured herself. There was blood flowing down her legs and i felt so sad for her cos it was her first dance camp!! Hope her next will be much better. Den we played many other games after tat and there was forfeit. BASIL IS SO GROSS!! and farnie la. OMG. He can go thailand and pick up guys la! He's lik so slutty la! LOL. all the slapping of butt and shakind of body and pointing at ppl and strutting arng. GOSH. and for one forfeit he slapped yee shiang's butt damn hard la! LOL. damn farnie. yea den had video session but everyone was v tired so alot were lik dozing and groaning. The dances were v nice!! the guy grp was lik OMG. i will never ever be as good as them. sniff. yea den at night... slept on the hard ground in a02 classroom. Shared my sleeping bag wid joan so it was lik a mattress. den i slept right under the window. so it was freakin cold!!!! only had my jacket to cover lik my legs?? I kept waking up to see joan sleeping so close to me tat we're in danger of kissing. LOL. So i rolled away and woke up to find myself sleeping on the dirty ground. Had dance prac the second day on my whole body was lik aching and dirty and abit sticky. eew. Came home and scrubbed my whole body clean. haha. But overall, dance camp was fun!!! I WAN ANOTHER ONE!! ((:

Back from dance camp. argh. But i'm so worn out now tat i'm goin to go and sleep and post abt dance camp another day. haha.
I'M IN 07S11!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. SO SAD LA! I WANNA STAY IN IGNIS AND S14!!!! i hope they'll change the classes soon. and shalom's in a diff class la. it's a sad day.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

TODAY IS A DAMN HOT DAY. I mean it. I was feeling so hot tat i jus wanna rip my top la. But of cos i controlled myself. ahha. Anw played handball today and it was fun!! Well, sort of cos tat stoopid kai lun kept blocking my scores. argh. Everything was so perfect today... till tat shitface kengyi came back. He ran to the general office for his appeal lik some mad cow la. Sadly he suceeded. OMG evryone was so pissed la. Now everyday will have to see him. Hope we'll not be in the same class. Anw, we had dance prac today!! FINALLY. It felt so weird not having dance prac for lik 3 days in a row. Haha so yea, it felt really great to be dancing again. Den to the campfire. There's lik so few ppl dancing la!! And the ppl jus kept running arnd the campfire,which was kinda annoying after seeing them doin it so many times. So i was lik a loon dancing myself!! Edwin walked past and i dragged him over to dance but he looked so terrified and sneaked off while i'm not lookin at him. Arg. So tat's abt it. And the sch didnt post up our classes today! ROAR.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ok i shall jus conclude tat there are really NO good looking guys in the j1 batch in nj (except for maybe joshua). Cos wen i scanned through the 2nd intake today, it was nada hot guys. NADA. omg... so depressing. Haha. And i told kelly at lunch tat even he owned all they 2nd intake guys, he was so freakin happy la!! He practically lightened up and you could hear the "bling!!" sound. He was lik "Really?? I'm so honoured!! I shall treat you all to drinks." Den he bought drinks for all of us. hahaha. And throughout the day he was beaming lik a lightbulb man. Farnie fella. Anw the 2nd intake ppl were also quite.. unenthu? From wad i heard most of them are ppl from rj and hc for pae and are posted to nj unwillingly. There was even one girl crying. I heard loads of complains frm them such as "nj sucks it's freakin borin." or "rj is lik so much better." yadda yadda. And the poor OGLs all complained to me tat the newcomers r really uncooperative and there was no fun spirit at all. Not lik our orientation(of cos!). But anyway, today was kinda slack. Did lik almost nth in sch today.

We finally started painting our dance camp banners. There was no one at first den i had to chase pengyi to do the banner. Here's a photo of me having to stand beside him to "guard" him.

Yes, like a mother having to stand beside her son to make sure he does his work.

He drew the ditto (a pokemon character and our grp name) and it ended up looking...horrible but farnie in a way. There were many diff comments on wad it looked lik. Some said it looked lik a distorted ditto, a smiling tissue paper, a pillow etc. All who looked at the banner had almost the same reaction; laughing lik mad and clutching their sides or saying"eeee. tat ditto looks wrong." Argh. Nevermind. At least we finished our banner. Hanxie's grp was the worst cos they haven really started, and i dun even noe wad he's drawing. It looks lik a heart wid lips. Haha. But oh well, the banners are not tat impt. I can't wait for dance camp!! Haha. Hope it'll be loads of fun!

I'm goin to be the road marshal for road run!! NO NEED TO RUN. hahahahahahahahahahah.

I'm gonna go to the campfire tmr wid shalom kelly marissa they all. Hope it'll be fun too and heaven pls dun rain!!! :(

Good luck to all j2s for SPA tmr!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Today was lik a roller coaster ride. At first, everyone was feeling kinda sad cos apparently alot of ppl were posted to ac and sa due to the cut-off point of nj being decreased to 4. But the day became brighter as everyone decided to look on the bright side and jus enjoy ourselves lik mad during pe(which was not so enjoyable for me cos i had an unpleasant encounter wid a DISGUSTING LIZARD while pickin up the shuttle cock) Jared's bday presents were quite amusing (one big protractor and one big set square) we gave him a pillow and i sewed his name and stuff on it cos he lik to sleep ALOT. And the greatest turning point was when shalom got in through appeal!!! =D Yea and we went to take some photos wid our clique the "WS" clique named by kelly the lao da. haha. Den had a clique outing without kelly and jared to town to eat korean food which was so freaking spicy. We sat there for lik one hour plus tokin and forcing some secrets out of artons. hahahah. Later we went on our own way (artons and marissa to home and me and shalom to acjc to complete shalom's appeal) We took a cab to acjc and it was so farnie cos apparently most of the ppl appealing out of ac are from njc. The vice principal who was signin the forms was lik "wad?? ANOTHER ONE??" hahaha. yea and tat was the final step for shalom's appeal!! Den we headed back to nj in a cab again and got back in time for shalom's training.
Apparently we didnt get to paint the dance camp banners cos alot of them r feeling emo and some are having class outing. So it's postponed to tmr. I hope we can complete the banners tmr cos it's the last day for us to prepare.
The new intake ppl r coming tmr!!! I hope we'll be in the same class and in ignis and 07S14!!
Good luck to J2s for the physics common test tmr and history common test!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Ok tat was marcela. haha. She helped me wid this blog cos i totally suck wid blogs.
haha. So yea first three months in nj has passed really quickly and tmr's the day when we(well, not me.) know our posting results. New ppl will be comin in and some, leaving. I hope tat we'll all stay in 07S14, but the possibility is quite low? Yea, i wish all those who want to go to a jc of their choice all the best, and i'll miss you all very much despite knowing you all only for a short period of 3 months or less.
Speaking about missing ppl, kelly was freaked out today while we were heading for the canteen after gp and i told him i'll miss him. haha. Cant help being emo though.
Artons is determined to leave nj, which is kinda sad. But since he doesnt lik it here, might as well go to a place where he'll be happy and satisfied, so i hope he'll be happy in his new sch. I'll miss his motherly smell and his presence alot. ):
Oh and tmr's our dear mugger aka deprived of nice food canoeist jared's birthday!! haha.
We are goin to paint our banners for dance camp tmr! so excited! i choose green colour instead of red cos i'm really sick of lookin at red everyday durin dance and our group is ditto!! haha.
Hope tmr will be a great day for all!!
Good luck to J2s for math common test! ((:

test test wendy is a pig. LOL