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chinese dancer
and novels are my favorite things.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Whole body is aching for the past few days due to ballet, lyrical jazz and chinese dance.
The lyrical jazz workshop was nice and i love the song "God's Will".
It is super touching and the mv will make you cry.
Anw i watched this super hilarious clip of shiNee imitating Wondergirls "So Hot"
Kelly will love this, but i bet she watched it already being a shiNee fan.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lost my voice.
Well almost.
Been teaching the same P6 class for ytd and today.
Super rowdy class.
Have to shout when teaching them cos some of the students are so noisy den the rest who were listening went "Teacher!! Louder!! Cannot hear!! Again!!"
Ahhhh very very very tired.
And when i mark their english i want to laugh and cry.
It's a wonder how they came up with such answers.
Like the Qn is "What did Aunt Agatha settled?"
and the ans from some students was" Yes."
And there was a handful of them, which is so obvious that they were copying.
Argh hope they can like study cos it is their future not mine so they are like throwing their future away.
Their algebra cannot make it.
No foundation at all.
And when i said ok i shall go through with you all again.
They were like "No no!!! we know already!! Dunnit to teach!!"
Like ya right.
But at least there are some kids who are willing to learn.
A relief.
Hope i won't see them tmr.
Teaching english math science pe and class discussions with them are a horror.
Now i know how teachers feel.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One class of 39 P6 students.
4 hours of madness(felt like being trapped in a small confined room with locks and surrounded by chaos, brawling kindergarten kids).
(keep quiet. keep quiet. KEEP quiet. KEEP QUIET!)
NO effect. Nada.
The discipline master had to come in and shout at them to shut up.
I totally felt like a mouse when he was scolding my class which i am supposed to discipline.
Feel so tired after teaching such noisy and rebellious students.....
And the boys seemed to hate me after i held them back for 5 minutes after school because they wreaked havoc in class.
And i don't know what is goose grass.
Like all the students came up to me and asked "miss wen, what is goose grass?"
I'm like "errrrrrrrrrrhhh, i'm not really sure?? i think they grow in ponds...."
Someone please tell me i'm right.
Yeah, and the students laughed when i said" Good morning class my name is Miss Wen."
Well at least they kinda settled down (a LITTLE) when i played hangman with them.
The vice principal wants me to be a permanent P1 teacher but i'm not sure if i can commit.
Oh well.
Being a teacher is really tiring.
Maybe P1 students are easier to teach cos they can't bully you.
I hope.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Time passes by so quickly.
In this 2 months, many things are experienced, many relations either strengthened or weakened.
studies? it jus feels so weird not to study. i can feel my brain shrinking while my body does otherwise.
I've been planning to dance intensively after A levels, but somehow i dunno how to go back to some places for dancing.
Had a class gathering at lynette's house and it was a happy and sad event. happy cos well it was almost a full attendence and we enjoyed ourselves immensely wid the games, food, conversations and gift exchange. But we know that the guys will be goin to NS soon and we'll go on our own ways, it was really depressing cos S23 is really a very good class wid nice classmates esp PDA who nv fails to brighten up the grey NJC and the girls who have been there through happy and sad times, and of course our gossiping sessions :D. Not forgetting Marvin who never fails to interest me, Jared and Kelly who always bully and tease me relentlessly, and Artons who seems to be so scared of me. I hope that there'll be many more class outings this year and that S23 is always one big happy family. PS thanks pda guys for the notes and CD, it brings back many great memories and god knows how do you all manage to video when the teacher is teaching(i realise most of the videos are during Mr Wee's class. hmmm) Miss all of you!
Lame duck sleepover ytd and it was not bad for a first timer(me) gossiped at night for catching up and unexpected and unknown secrets were spilled. But the rain papa seems to be displeased cos it rained on us twice! when we were in escape theme park and when we were cycling. Such a killjoy. Played loads of taidi rounds and it is bad luck to sit after Kelly the "JUS WHACK WID BIG CARDS". i was the smallest asshole for lik most of the time when i sat next to her. So i swapped seats wid donnie and WHEE i rose up by 2 levels to a neutral, while donnie became the smallest asshole almost throughout the whole game. HAHAHAH yea but she proved the karma seat wrong by rising up to Queen in the last round. It was great to see regine as well who has found love and became more radiant. But it's kinda sad that she'll be leaving so soon.
anw, been youtube-ing, anime-ing, and manga-ing almost everyday and i feel that DBSK is still the better korean boy bands among the rest. (but big bang is still more creative)
here's their comeback performance.

DBSK/TVXQ ~ Love in the Ice, HEY! & Mirotic [Comeback Stage] -

Saturday, May 10, 2008

on another note....
DANCE JACKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((:

shibin's so called "look tall photo"

retarded shibin.