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![]() ballerina chinese dancer 18081990 ex-commonwealthian ex-njcian and novels are my favorite things. njcd css dance society dancepointe da ten lame ducks wendyisdancing@hotmail.com friendster Well of WORDS
marcela=DDD basil charlene cheryl clarissa commonwealth dance society deborah haikal hazel huaiying jacq jessyeo jiahui joel lynn njcd peilin shalom shaun shibin tingzhi wahchun weiqi wenlin yanjia yanqin yirong yunhsiu 07S23
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 May 2008 January 2009 Bituwin -
template wendys
Monday, April 30, 2007
argh so many projects and tests.
i wan to die. ahhhh. there's some stuff i wanna talk abt dance, but shant say la. alot. hahah. but i'm happy to see j1 dancers so hardworking. yea. tmr's labour day but i lik gg to study the whole day la. first PW den other subjects. arggghhhh. anw i love talkin to tingzhi wenlin they all!! so farnie!!! hahahahhahahaha. u know wad i mean la tingzhi n wenlin. heheh. i think the "is it the honeydew or him" thingy is lik LOL. and wilbert says i've got a weird aura. lik HURH??? does he mean i'm a weirdo??? argh. X( off to mugging. ARISTAL ON 26th MAY SATURADY NIGHT AT NGEE ANN POLY!! ANYONE INTERESTED?? TICKETS AT $12, $15.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
went to UCC today to watch international dance syf.
and cresent dance is like.. i dunno!! but my vocab is too limited to describe the dance's beautifulness!! omg. when it was their turn, u could feel everyone sitting up straight to watch. and i love the way they did the "sha sha" thing!! it's so cool!! the effect is lik omgomgomgomg. i wanna watch it again.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
踊烨 春, 是始然 是一切像星火般跃动的喧闹下诞生的希望 是力量, 是像烈炎踊动般的热情. 是红色, 是一舞永不停息的脉动. the end of a wonderful journey is the start of beautiful memories.
Friday, April 20, 2007
in CS 21 now for double PW. my PI seriously suck. i have no idea wad to write man. the teaher keeps saying my ideas for showcase are undo-able. argh. and my nose is blocked, my throat's sore, my body aching, and my head throbbing. i hate being sick. someone jus kill me now. uck. the medicine taste digusting. i blew my nose for lik the whole math lecture and i could feel daggers being stabbed into me from people's eyes. cannot help it right. i couldnt breathe through my nose so i need to clear it. but it's kinda farnie when the lecturer is yakking aways and someone's blowing her nose damn loudly and long so i started laughing. as in laughing while blowing my nose so my nose sounds lik "pff pff pfff pffffff." okay nvm. i'm going mad from all the workload. so many tests coming up and i haven touched my notes for a week. omg. jus kill me.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
i dunno wad to say.
jus tat, i wanna thanks those ppl who have been there for us during the long journey. the journey was a tiring one, but nevertheless it was wonderful. we got gold. when we knew our results, i was totally shocked. lik is this a joke?? and within seconds, my tears flowed down. almost everyone was crying. the guys were all trying not to break down, but i could see that there were tears in their eyes. it hurts to see them cry. and for the 3girls, they were v strong. and it makes me feel guilty lik i've disappointed them after all the hard work they did for us. esp wang lao shi. the msg he sent us, it's very touching, and it just made me break down. i am very grateful for meeting all these people along the way. although i've only known you all for jus a mere 5 months, i felt as if we've known each other for years. and that we are connected through our never ending passion for dance. let's work for aristal, our last dance wid the seniors, and that we will rock the whole stage and audience. i love you all seniors and teachers, for all you have done for us, and fellow dancers for all the support and love we have given each other. but the reasons tat we were marked down were kinda ridiculous and nth to do wid our performance. i have too much to rant abt. but i feel tat, oh well wad's over is over, wad's the point of ranting? we still will be gold right. although everyone's trying to put on a smile, and tell others tat hey, at least we did our best and we felt happy dancing right, but deep down in our hearts, i feel tat there's great disappointment. arg i cant write anymore. the more i think abt it, the more heart wenching it is. it's our last syf, but we didnt manage to get the honours. but that does not matter that much. wad's more saddening is that it ended so fast, and it marks the one month period left we have wid our seniors. that was the main reason i could not stop crying, and cried till i've got an headache and my eys almost went blind. i will miss all the seniors. for the cheering-up, the advices, the gossiping, and everything. it will feel weird during dance after they leave as there'll be an empty space in our hearts. the space they had occupied. and that space makes up 7/8 of my heart. they were the first i met in nj. and the first ppl i shed tears wid and for in this sch. i will never forget the times we had together. commonwealth got silver. but i'm quite proud of them. they have made tremendous improvement over the years, and have matured. for that, you all are already honours in my eyes. jus rmb, to love one another and to dance for your love and passion. in fact, i've been thinking abt wad jac told me. if we got gold wid honours instead, we wouldn't cherish one another that much right? well, yes. so now maybe getting gold isnt that bad. cos we realised that we all feel for the dance, for each other. and it brought us closer and to cherish one another even more. and we have become one big family, one njcd. and to wenlin and tingzhi. you two cheer up yea!! the journey ahead for you two is still long, and along the way, you will meet other dancers, making new friends. so jia you for the next syf!! but first, we still got our aristal to dance together!!! ((: thank you for all the people who supported njcd, thank you for all those who cared for us, and those who cheered for us at UCC. it was very heartwarming to hear that loud and welcoming cheer at the backstage when we were getting ready to dance. also, thank you su lao shi, thank you wang lao shi, thank you mrs ong, ms ling and mr tay, for all the things you did for us and the support you gave us, and for believing in us. lastly thank you njcd for making my last syf journey a memorable and beautiful one.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
68 more hours to syf.
during this journey, i have learnt many stuff. tat wad really matters is the journey, and not final results. all the tears and blood shed together, brought the dancers closer. i'm loving the dance more and more. and i enjoy dancing with all the people in njcd. it's saddening to noe tat our journey is ending soon. and tat the seniors will be leaving us after aristal. so let's dance our hearts out for our last and final SYF. JIAYOU PPL!! the stage belongs to us!!! we shall dian4 si all the people out there!! enjoy our moment on the stage!!! anw went for full dress combine prac at deyi today. all dances improved alot!! and i love all the costumes!! sadly didnt get to see deyi's costume. but their head dress is damn cool!! it's a little cute and shiny bird!! i hope all the dances will do well. well, they all sure wow the judges and ppl one la. i wan to watch css dance!! sigh. but it's impossible cos there's no time. i hope you all will perform your best and rmb tat there's only u and ur fellow dancers on the stage!! i'll watch u all on dvd!! haha. i miss dancing wid u all.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
today we danced wid our syf hairstyle.
quite annoying cos my hair is very long, so it keeps getting messy. argh. mus adapt to it. anw today we saw rv's costume!!! two words. DAMN NICE. it reminds me of my 2005 syf costume. almost the same except theirs is nicer. and the girls' hair are damn cool!! they look lik faries. ours look abit lik those ya huan in olden days. haha. wonder how our costume looks lik. ahhh. got alot of hmk haven do. feel damn stressed. shall go mug now. tata~ oh and to edwin!!! take care when you go tekong-ing yea!! haha. come out being tan and muscular as you said you will be!!! (honoured to see your name here or not....) haha. take care lots. ((:
Thursday, April 5, 2007
when i came to school this morning, i thought i heard pigeons coo-ing away.
cos it really sounded lik many pigeons coo-ing. many many. but as i got closer to the grand stand, i realised the coo-ing sound wasnt pigeons. it was the canoeists doing push ups and sit ups and counting at the gym area. oh well. it really sounded lik pigeons to me. anw random. yes and i did the cip flowers decoration thing today. we are supposed to make the flower frame with ice creams sticks. with glue. yes i haven done art and craft lik since p5??? i made a mess. argh. the ice creams sticks kept refusing to be stuck together as one flat layer. SO ANNOYING. now my fingers are blue and some other colours cos the colour from the ice cream sticks are "dyed" onto them. it makes me feel lik i'm poisoned. hahahah. term 2 is so busy. PW, chem project, all the lecture tests, so many assignments and tutorials, and aristal right after SYF. feel lik dying. wad to do. this is jc life. yes and 284 more hours to Syf.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
306 more hours!!!!!!!!!!! anxious.excited.nervous.happy((:
Monday, April 2, 2007
i split my skirt today while playing hockey wid marissa they all.
it just went ZZIIIPPPP. so embarrassing. how i miss my old skirt which will never split no matter how much you move about. and you dun need to worry abt how to get into tat small and squeezy space between the benches and tables. anw as the saying goes "once bitten, twice shy." at least now i know not to do any sport in nj skirt. well, maybe it's ok for basketball? and tingyang said sth damn kampa today. argh. feel lik strangling him. it's a damn bloody hot day today!! the ice bergs at south and north poles will melt and soon the world will be flooding!!!! be prepared to swim to school and everywhere ppl!!!! and rmb to kiss the dry land goodbye!! ok random.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
pe on friday was actually ok la.
ran 4 rounds so it wasnt tat tiring. anw ytd dance was quite fun!! except for tat i spent lik 3/4 of the time in the toilet. the routine we did was nice. cos i havent done such routine for such a long time as all we did during dance was to warm up den start dancing syf. overall, it felt great doing routines. yep den we danced only twice(but once for me cos i was in the toilet.) later su lao tried on make up on some gyus and huaiying and hairstyle on some girls. i did hanxie's make up!! bwahahahaa. i realised hanxie's facial complexion and features are actually very good for stage makeup. his eyes are quite slant and his nose is very sharp. so his features stands out quite alot wen there's makeup. but didnt managed to finish his makeup cos su lao said stop. kee lui looked lik a girl la!!! omg. his features are damn girly. and shibin looked lik ru hua. LOL. damn farnie. as for wahchun. i've got nth to say. and for hairstyle... jess yeo is so cute and farnie!! su lao did her hair and she ended up looking lik some ancient girl from china. i think she looked lik some ya huan from hong lou meng. hahahahah. yep and we went to eat at ke ai ji. wah lik so many ppl la! den the nj soccer girls came and we gave our seats to them after we're done. haha. western dancers were there too but too bad la, cos the soccer girls came first. went home wid yiwen after tat on bus 67!! actually i was supposed to take 961 but there were only huaiying basil and me left if yiwen went up 67, so me being smart went off wid yiwen, leaving those two ppl there alone to have some private time. bwahahahahah. smart right. yep and toked alot on the bus wid yiwen. got to know her alot better and she's a very farnie and sweet girl. oh and i jus realised panadol works wonders!! it cleared my cramps lik in 10 mins. after i ate it it was damn painful but later there was no pain at all and i could lik jump and hop. haha. so ppl, eat panadol when you have cramps. |